

General Terms and Conditions (GTC; TOS) of SolidProof.io

Last updated: 11.09.2024

1) Introduction and scope of application

These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) govern the use of the solidproof.io website and all services offered through it, which are operated by FutureVisions Deutschland UG (haftungsbeschränkt) (hereinafter "SolidProof.io" or "we"). By accessing, browsing or using any services, including all free and paid offers, you confirm that you fully accept and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these T&Cs, you are prohibited from using the Website and the services offered.

These TOS, together with the Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy and any other rules, policies or contractual provisions posted on the Site, constitute the entire agreement between you and SolidProof.io and supersede any prior oral or written agreements with respect to your use of the Site and related services.

SolidProof.io reserves the right to amend these GTC at any time at its sole discretion. Such changes will take effect as soon as they are published on the website. Continued use of the Website after such changes shall be deemed tacit acceptance of the amended T&Cs. We recommend that you check the GTC regularly for changes.

The scope of these GTC extends to all services provided directly or indirectly by SolidProof.io, regardless of whether these services are provided by affiliated platforms, third-party providers or partners.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website or via the services is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax or financial advice. No contractual relationship is created between you and SolidProof.io through the use of the website or the information, unless expressly agreed otherwise.

2) Right of use

The services of SolidProof.io are reserved exclusively for natural persons who are at least 18 years of age and have full legal capacity under the laws of their respective country of residence. By using the website and utilizing our services, you represent and warrant that:

  1. you are at least 18 years old;
  2. you have full legal capacity and are entitled to use the services in accordance with the applicable laws of your country of residence;
  3. The use of our services in your country of residence does not violate any applicable laws, regulations or provisions.

Responsibility of the user: Each user is independently responsible for ensuring that the use of the website and the services offered on it complies with the legal provisions of the country in which they are located. In particular, in countries where the use of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies or related services is restricted or prohibited, users bear full responsibility for the legal permissibility of their use.

SolidProof.io assumes no liability for violations of local laws or regulations arising from the use of the Services. It is the sole responsibility of the user to ensure compliance with applicable laws. We reserve the right to restrict access to our website and services to users from certain countries or regions where the use of our services is prohibited by law. Disclaimer for country-specific regulations: SolidProof.io assumes no responsibility for any legal consequences arising from the use of the Website or the Services in countries where blockchain technologies, cryptocurrencies or related services are restricted or prohibited by law or regulation. Users acknowledge that they use the services at their own risk and bear all legal consequences arising from their use in their respective country.

3) User accounts and security

Confidentiality of login data Users who create an account on solidproof.io are solely responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of their login credentials, including but not limited to username and password. You agree to take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized access to your account. Any activities that occur using your login credentials are deemed to be authorized by you and you are fully responsible for all resulting actions.

SolidProof.io will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by unauthorized use of your account unless such unauthorized use is due to verifiable misconduct by SolidProof.io. If you suspect unauthorized access or misuse of your account, you are required to notify us immediately in writing.

Account blocking and closure SolidProof.io reserves the right to block or close user accounts without prior notice and at its own discretion. This may occur in particular in the following cases:

  • Violations of these GTC or other published rules and guidelines;
  • Use of the Website or Services for illegal or prohibited activities;
  • Suspicion of fraudulent or abusive use of the account;
  • Security risks arising from the account.

If an account is blocked or closed, any entitlement to the Coins in the account or services purchased expires. All unused Coins that were credited to the account expire irrevocably and there is no entitlement to a refund or compensation. This also applies to services that had already been used or were planned at the time the account was blocked or closed.

Prohibition of multiple accounts and account abuse Users are prohibited from creating multiple accounts unless expressly authorized by SolidProof.io. Abuse of multiple accounts, including but not limited to circumventing account suspensions or closures, will result in the immediate closure of all accounts in question and the irrevocable forfeiture of all Coins.

Changes and deletion of user accounts SolidProof.io reserves the right to customize, modify or delete the functionalities and access to user accounts at its sole discretion. You have the right to close your account at any time by sending us a written notice. In this case, all coins remaining in the account will also expire without any right to a refund.

Responsibility of the user The user is obliged to provide all information stored in his account correctly and up to date. SolidProof.io accepts no liability for any loss or damage caused by incorrect or out-of-date information. The user is further obliged to comply with all legal and regulatory requirements regarding the information provided by him and the use of the account.

Responsibility for digital wallets
SolidProof.io does not offer its own digital wallets and assumes no responsibility for the management, security or use of the wallets used by users to carry out transactions or to participate in services on the platform. The responsibility for creating, securing and managing digital wallets lies solely with the user. SolidProof.io has no access to private keys or other security-relevant information of the wallets and is not liable for losses caused by insecure wallets or misconfigurations.

No liability for transactions
Any transactions carried out via digital wallets are the sole responsibility of the user. SolidProof.io has no control over transaction execution, blockchain protocols or other mechanisms related to the operation of digital wallets. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the wallet they use is functioning properly and is secure.

Exclusion of liability for security breaches SolidProof.io takes reasonable measures to protect the website and user accounts, but cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from security breaches caused by circumstances beyond our control. This includes, but is not limited to, hacker attacks, unauthorized network or system intrusions or other types of cybercrime.

4) Intellectual property

All content, information, designs, text, graphics, logos, icons, images, videos, software and other materials provided on the solidproof.io website and the app.solidproof.io platform (collectively, "Content"), unless otherwise indicated, are the property of SolidProof.io or licensed third parties and are protected by copyright, trademark, patent and other intellectual property laws.

License to use the content SolidProof.io grants you a limited, revocable, non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the Site and the Content provided thereon for your personal, non-commercial use. This license does not permit you to modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute the Content unless SolidProof.io has given express written permission to do so.

Prohibition of unauthorized use It is strictly prohibited to use the content of the Website or Platform without the express written permission of SolidProof.io, including but not limited to:

  • Modification or duplication of the contents,
  • Commercial use of the content,
  • Publication or distribution of the content without consent, • Removal of copyright or property right notices.

Brands and logos The trademarks, logos and service marks used on the website (together "Trademarks") are the property of SolidProof.io or third parties who have granted SolidProof.io a license to use them. You are prohibited from using these Trademarks without the written permission of SolidProof.io or the applicable third party owner.

Rights to software and databases The software, databases and other technological tools used on solidproof.io and app.solidproof.io are the property of SolidProof.io or its licensors and are protected by copyright and other laws. You may not decompile, disassemble, reverse-engineer or otherwise extract the source code of the software, except as permitted by applicable law.

5) Services as an external technical auditor

As an external technical auditor, SolidProof.io offers comprehensive services for reviewing and analyzing blockchain projects. These services include, among others:

  • Review of source codes: Analyzing the underlying code of blockchain projects to identify potential security gaps, vulnerabilities or inefficient implementations.
  • Review of technical specifications and smart contracts: In-depth analysis of technical specifications and smart contracts to ensure integrity and functionality, particularly with regard to the implementation of security protocols.

Disclaimer for completeness and accuracy SolidProof.io carries out all audits and checks with the greatest possible care and using industrystandard methods. However, we cannot guarantee or warrant that the audited systems or smart contracts are complete, accurate, secure or error-free. All information and results of the audits provided by us serve exclusively as support for the client and are not to be understood as a final assessment.

No guarantee for future changes or implementations SolidProof.io accepts no liability for subsequent changes to the code or technical specifications made by the client or third parties after the audit has been completed. Any responsibility for the implementation of the proposed measures and the ongoing operation of the system lies solely with the client.

Exclusion of liability towards third parties (e.g. investors) SolidProof.io provides its services solely to the respective client and assumes no liability to third parties, including but not limited to investors, end users or other parties indirectly affected by the results of the audit or review. Any decisions made by third parties based on the audits or reports are made at their own risk and SolidProof.io is not responsible for any resulting financial losses, investment decisions or other negative consequences. No liability for economic losses or consequential damages SolidProof.io is in no way liable for direct or indirect damages, economic losses, lost profits, reputational damage or other consequential damages that may arise from the results of the audit or due to overlooked security vulnerabilities. This also applies in cases where security flaws were not recognized or not taken into account in the recommendations.

Delineation of services as supportive The services provided by SolidProof.io are to be understood as advisory and supportive and do not replace the need for the client to carry out its own security checks. The client is solely responsible for the final implementation and verification of the security measures in his project.

Waiver of legal or technical warranty SolidProof.io does not provide any legal or technical warranty with regard to compliance with legal or regulatory requirements. The Client is responsible for ensuring that its project complies with applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to those governing the use of smart contracts or blockchain technologies.

Maximum limitation of liability Should SolidProof.io be held liable in rare cases, liability shall in any case be limited to the amount paid for the services. Any further liability is excluded.

6) Electronic communication

By using the solidproof.io website and the app.solidproof.io platform, you agree that all notices, disclosures, consents and communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. This includes, but is not limited to, notices about the use of the platform, information about services, updates, changes to these GTC and legally relevant notices.

Consent to electronic communication By registering on the platform or using services, you expressly agree that SolidProof.io may send you electronic messages in the form of e-mails or other digital means of communication. This includes important information about your user account, changes to the GTC, data protection guidelines, security-related notices and other contract-related messages.

Advertising messages In addition, by providing your e-mail address or other contact information, you agree that SolidProof.io may occasionally send you promotional communications or newsletters about new services, offers or changes to the Platform. You can unsubscribe from these communications at any time by following the unsubscribe link contained in the email or by contacting us directly.

Deregistration and revocation of consent You can object to electronic communication for advertising purposes at any time without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs according to the basic rates. Important contract-relevant notifications and information in connection with the However, the data relating to the use of the platform must continue to be transmitted electronically, as they are part of our contractual obligations.

7) Prohibited uses

Use of SolidProof.io's services is permitted for lawful purposes only and is subject to applicable laws and regulations. It is strictly prohibited to use the Site or the related Services for any unlawful, fraudulent or abusive activity. You agree not to use the Services for the following purposes:

  • Infringement of third party rights: It is prohibited to use the Services to infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties, including but not limited to copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, trade secrets or other proprietary rights. This includes the unauthorized copying, reproduction or distribution of content belonging to third parties.
  • Circumvention or manipulation of security technologies: It is not permitted to circumvent, deactivate, manipulate or otherwise interfere with security mechanisms that have been implemented to protect the website, the services or the data of other users. This includes attempts to circumvent or breach encryption, password protection, firewalls or other technical protection measures.
  • Automated Systems: The use of automated systems or software, such as bots, scraping tools, robots or similar technologies, to access, retrieve, manipulate or otherwise collect data from the Site or the Services is strictly prohibited.
  • Illegal activities: It is not permitted to use the Services for illegal or fraudulent purposes, including but not limited to fraud, phishing, distribution of malware, viruses or Trojans, hacking, identity theft, money laundering or any form of criminal activity.
  • Misuse of the Services: Misuse of the services, including disrupting the normal operation of the website or associated infrastructure, is prohibited. This includes the deliberate overloading of the system, the use of spam or the sending of unwanted or misleading messages.
  • Manipulation of content: It is prohibited to post or disseminate false, misleading, fraudulent or defamatory content on the website. This includes the deliberate falsification of information in order to mislead other users or cause damage.
  • Violation of data protection rights: Any action that violates the privacy rights of other users or third parties, including the unauthorized collection, storage or dissemination of personal data, is prohibited.
  • Violation of applicable laws and regulations: Any use of the Services that violates applicable national or international laws, regulations or legal requirements is strictly prohibited. This includes violations of sanctions, export restrictions and financial regulatory requirements. • Prohibition of circumvention of contractual obligations: You may not take any technical or manual measures to circumvent contractual obligations, such as paying for services or accessing paid content without proper authorization.

Consequences of violations SolidProof.io reserves the right to take appropriate action without prior notice for violations of these Terms of Use. These measures may include the following:

  • Immediate blocking or closure of your user account;
  • The loss of all coins remaining in the account, without entitlement to a refund;
  • Legal steps to enforce claims, including claims for damages;
  • Reporting to the competent law enforcement authorities in the event of suspected criminal acts.

Disclaimer for third parties You agree that SolidProof.io cannot be held liable in any way for any actions or content distributed or initiated by third parties via the website. SolidProof.io accepts no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by the conduct of other users or by the use of the content provided.

8) User contributions (user-generated content)

SolidProof.io offers users the opportunity to publish contributions, comments or other content (collectively "Contributions") on the Platform. All Contributions are subject to the applicable Usage Guidelines and are moderated by SolidProof.io to the best of its ability. Contributions that violate legal provisions or the guidelines of SolidProof.io may be removed or modified at any time.

Moderation and disclaimer
SolidProof.io endeavors to monitor and moderate user-generated content, but assumes no liability for content errors, legal violations or violations of personal rights that may arise from these contributions. Users are responsible for their own contributions and their legality and agree that SolidProof.io may change or remove content without prior notice if it violates these terms and conditions or applicable law.

9) KYC services and personal data

As part of the legal requirements for identity verification (Know Your Customer, KYC), SolidProof.io offers comprehensive KYC services. The aim is to verify the identity of the user, prevent fraudulent activities and ensure security on the platform.

Personal data collected The personal data that is collected and processed as part of KYC verification includes in particular, but is not limited to

  • Name, address and date of birth, • Identity documents (e.g. identity card, driver's license, passport),
  • Proof-of-address documents (e.g. utility bills for address confirmation),
  • Telephone number and mobile number,
  • IP address and location data,
  • User agent data (e.g. information about the browser and operating system used),
  • Chat histories and communications that take place as part of the identity check,
  • Photos or videos to confirm identity.

Additional data collection SolidProof.io reserves the right to collect additional personal data as part of the KYC process that is necessary to fulfill legal obligations or to prevent fraudulent activity. This additional data will always be collected and processed in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Processing and forwarding of data to third-party providers SolidProof.io works with the following third-party providers to carry out identity verification:

  • veriff.com for the verification of identity documents,
  • seven.io for verifying mobile numbers via SMS.

Data is only passed on to these third-party providers to the extent necessary to complete the verification processes.

Purpose of data collection and disclosure in the event of suspected fraud or damage The personal data collected is used for identity verification and compliance with legal regulations, in particular in the context of money laundering prevention and for the security of investors and other users of the platform. In the event of suspected fraud (scam) or if there are indications that the user's behavior has caused damage to third parties, in particular investors, SolidProof.io reserves the right to disclose the personal data collected under certain conditions.

Express consent to disclosure in the event of suspected fraud or damage By participating in the KYC process and using the services of SolidProof.io, you expressly agree that SolidProof.io is entitled to pass on your personal data to government agencies, law enforcement authorities, regulatory authorities and injured third parties if fraud is suspected or damage has been proven to have occurred. This disclosure will only take place if it is necessary to clarify and prevent further damage.

Data storage

  • Successful verification: After successful verification, the collected data is stored offline and encrypted (AES-256) for a period of two years.
  • Unsuccessful verification: If the verification is not successfully completed, the personal data will be deleted immediately after the verification process is completed, unless legal provisions require longer storage. • IP addresses and location data: These are also stored for a period of two years and are used to check for anomalies or security risks.

Rights of the users You have the right:

  • to request information about the data processed by SolidProof.io,
  • to request the correction or deletion of data,
  • to object to the processing of your data, unless there is a legal obligation to retain it.

Disclaimer SolidProof.io assumes no liability for the use or further processing of personal data by third-party providers such as veriff.com or seven.io, which are used for verification. These third-party providers are solely responsible for compliance with data protection regulations.

10) Data processing for accounting

For proper accounting and invoicing, personal data, including payment information, is collected and processed by SolidProof.io and transmitted to the external service provider lexoffice.de. This service provider is a company based in Germany and is subject to the strict provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and German tax and commercial laws.

Data collected The following personal and transaction-related data is collected and processed as part of accounting and invoicing:

  • Name and address of the user,
  • Billing data (including the services purchased and payment amounts),
  • Payment information, including wallet addresses (for crypto payments) and Transaction hashes/IDs
  • Tax-relevant data (e.g. VAT identification numbers (VAT ID) from the EU or proof of company registration in third countries).

Payments in cryptocurrencies SolidProof.io accepts crypto payments as a means of payment. As part of the transaction processing, the user's wallet addresses and the transaction hashes/IDs are stored in order to make the transaction traceable and properly documented. Since crypto payments can be made by users worldwide, SolidProof.io imposes certain requirements for verification of the country of origin if no clear location information is provided.

Verification of the location and VAT regulations

  • If the user provides no or insufficient information about his location or the location cannot be verified on the basis of at least two documents (e.g. proof of address, IP address, payment information), the service will be taxed at a rate of 19% (Germany) in accordance with German VAT regulations.
  • This regulation does not apply if the user presents a valid VAT ID from an EU member state or can prove that they are a registered company in a third country. Users from third countries without a VAT ID or verifiable registration are taxed in accordance with the general regulations for crypto payments in Germany.

Storage and retention periods In accordance with tax and commercial law requirements in Germany, all accounting-related data, including wallet addresses and transaction hashes/IDs, are stored for a period of ten years. At the end of this period, the data is securely deleted in accordance with legal requirements.

Forwarding to lexoffice.de and tax consultants The accounting-relevant data is transmitted to lexoffice.de for processing and storage. lexoffice.de stores and processes this data in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations. In addition, this data is transmitted to SolidProof.io's tax advisor, who prepares the tax return for the company. The tax consultant is also subject to German data protection laws and uses the transmitted data exclusively for accounting and tax purposes.

Responsibility of the third-party provider The storage and processing of data by lexoffice.de and the tax consultant is their responsibility. SolidProof.io ensures that these service providers comply with data protection regulations, but the responsibility for data protection lies with the respective service providers.

Rights of the users As a user, you have the right:

  • to request information about the data stored by SolidProof.io and lexoffice.de,
  • to request the correction or deletion of your personal data, unless there is a legal obligation to retain it,
  • to object to the processing of your personal data, provided that there are no legal obligations to the contrary.

Disclaimer SolidProof.io is not liable for data protection violations or unlawful processing by lexoffice.de or the tax consultant. These service providers are responsible for compliance with the GDPR and German data protection laws. However, SolidProof.io guarantees that the data will only be passed on to trustworthy and data protection-compliant service providers.

11) Use of the SolidProof TrustNet

Via the solidproof.io and app.solidproof.io platforms, SolidProof.io offers users access to various information on blockchain projects. This includes in particular:

  • Audit reports that describe the technical status and safety aspects of projects,
  • Investor information that provides relevant data for potential investors,
  • Technical project data, including contract addresses, blockchain details and other relevant information on the projects.

This information is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax or financial advice. It is the sole responsibility of the user to independently evaluate the information provided and make appropriate decisions.

Forwarding project data to external service providers As part of the platform, technical project data, such as contract addresses and blockchain details, may be forwarded to external service providers. However, these service providers do not receive any personal data of users or project participants. SolidProof.io assumes no responsibility for the content, reliability or security of these external service providers and has no influence on their data processing.

Use of Okta as an identity provider The Okta(https://www.okta.com) service is used as an identity provider to simplify registration and general user management. Okta is responsible for the management of user identities and integration with other services. SolidProof.io transfers responsibility for the security and protection of customer and investor data processed as part of identity management to Okta. SolidProof.io is not liable for any data breaches, unauthorized access or misuse that may occur through the Okta service. Users are advised that the registration and management of their data is done through Okta and is subject to Okta's privacy policy.

Expansion of the platform and additional functions SolidProof.io reserves the right to continuously expand the platform and offer additional features or services. This includes, but is not limited to, the Token Minter and future blockchain services. Any new features added are also subject to these T&Cs and the associated disclaimers.

Disclaimer for information provided and external providers SolidProof.io accepts no liability for decisions, actions or investments made on the basis of the information provided on solidproof.io or app.solidproof.io. All information is provided in good faith, but SolidProof.io does not guarantee its accuracy, completeness or timeliness. SolidProof.io is also not responsible for the content or operation of external service providers that are integrated or receive data via the platform. This includes the technical reliability and security of the services provided by these third-party providers.

12) Token minter in SolidProof TrustNet

SolidProof.io offers users the ability to create tokens on various blockchain platforms, including but not limited to Solana, EVM-compatible blockchains and TON, via the solidproof.io and app.solidproof.io platform. Users can generate their own tokens via the Token Minter, which can be used for different projects and use cases.

Review of the submitted content SolidProof.io checks the submitted content and tokens before publication to ensure that they comply with the applicable usage guidelines and legal requirements. comply. This includes checking for inappropriate, illegal or discriminatory content. SolidProof.io reserves the right to reject tokens that violate the guidelines.

However, it is the sole responsibility of the user to ensure that the tokens created do not contain any illegal, discriminatory or otherwise inappropriate content and comply with all legal requirements.

Possible risks and dangers when creating tokens The creation and use of tokens on blockchain platforms entails considerable risks, particularly in connection with scams, rug pulls and possible security vulnerabilities in smart contracts. The following risks must be considered:

  • Scams and rug pulls: The misuse of tokens to carry out fraudulent projects (scams) or rug pulls (where the developers of a project suddenly disappear after receiving the investment) is unfortunately widespread in the blockchain world. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the tokens and the underlying project are legitimate and do not have fraudulent intentions. SolidProof.io accepts no responsibility for financial losses caused by fraudulent token projects.
  • Security gaps in smart contracts: Even with the utmost care, there may be security vulnerabilities in smart contracts that may go undetected. These loopholes can be exploited by malicious actors to gain access to the tokens or the underlying funds. This can lead to a total loss of funds. SolidProof.io checks the contents of the tokens before publication, but does not guarantee the complete security or accuracy of the smart contracts created.
  • Malfunctions or unforeseen consequences of smart contract functions: Certain features in smart contracts can potentially lead to unexpected results, including the blocking of funds, the unintended transfer of tokens, or the permanent loss of tokens. Users should ensure that the smart contract features they implement do not pose security risks or have unintended consequences.

Disclaimer for token use and security risks SolidProof.io accepts no liability for any loss, damage or financial loss arising from the creation, implementation or use of tokens on the solidproof.io or app.solidproof.io platforms. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Losses due to security gaps in the smart contracts created,
  • Losses due to fraudulent projects, scams or rug pulls,
  • Malfunctions or unexpected consequences of the implemented smart contract functions,
  • any form of legal or regulatory problems that may arise from the use or distribution of the tokens.

Users acknowledge that they are solely responsible for ensuring the functionality, security and legality of the tokens created. SolidProof.io merely provides the technical means for token creation and assumes no responsibility for the use of the tokens created or their effects. Future-proofing the platform SolidProof.io reserves the right to continuously expand the Token Minter platform and add new features or supported blockchain platforms. All future features are subject to these T&Cs and the above disclaimer.

13) Coin system

SolidProof.io works with an internal coin system that allows customers to purchase coins that can be used for services on the platform. This system offers users a flexible and transparent way to pay for services in advance and access them as needed. Coins can be used for all services offered on the platform, including but not limited to token creation, audit services and access to advanced platform features.

Advantages of the coin system The coin system offers several advantages for both the platform and the users:

  • Simplified billing: Instead of making separate payments for each individual service, users can build up a credit balance by purchasing coins, which they can use flexibly for different services. This reduces the effort involved in transactions and enables faster processing.
  • Flexibility and control: Users can purchase coins and use them as needed, giving them more control over their spending. They can use their coins for current or future services without having to rely on one-off payment processes.
  • Incentives and discounts: SolidProof.io can use the coin system to offer discounts or incentives to customers who purchase a larger amount of coins. This creates an incentive-based ecosystem that motivates customers to use more services.
  • Transparency: A fixed conversion rate between coins and services creates greater transparency for the user. Customers know in advance how many coins are required for a particular service, which increases the predictability of costs.
  • Better budget planning: Companies and individuals can plan better with the coin system by purchasing their coins in advance and thus setting budgets for future expenses.

Use and validity of the coins The purchased coins can only be used on the platform solidproof.io or app.solidproof.io for the services offered. Coins are not valid outside the platform and cannot be used for third-party services. The validity of the coins is unlimited, unless SolidProof.io decides to change or terminate the coin system. In such a case, users will be granted a reasonable period of time to use the remaining coins.

Non-convertibility into other currencies and refunds Coins acquired via the platform cannot be converted into other currencies or paid out. This includes both fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies.

Refunds for purchased coins are generally excluded. As soon as a customer has purchased Coins, the transaction is binding and the user is not entitled to a refund of the purchase price, even if the Coins are not used. Expiry of coins in the event of account closure or inactivity SolidProof.io reserves the right to close user accounts in the event of violations of the GTC or prolonged inactivity. In such a case, all coins remaining in the account will expire irrevocably without the user being entitled to a refund or conversion into other currencies.

In the event that SolidProof.io ceases to operate the platform or abolishes the coin system, users will be granted a reasonable period of time to use any remaining coins. After this period has expired, all unused coins expire without entitlement to a refund.

Disclaimer SolidProof.io accepts no liability for losses or damages caused by the expiry of coins, whether due to account closures, inactivity or the discontinuation of the coin system. Users bear the full risk for the timely use of their purchased coins.

14) Links to third-party providers

Our website solidproof.io and the platform app.solidproof.io may contain links to third-party websites and services. These links are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended as a recommendation or endorsement of the content, products or services offered on these websites or through these services.

No responsibility for third-party content and services SolidProof.io has no control over the content, privacy practices or operation of these external websites or services. We assume no responsibility for the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information provided on linked websites and expressly disassociate ourselves from any content that violates applicable law or moral and ethical principles.

Data security and data protection practices of third parties SolidProof.io is not responsible for the data security or privacy practices of third parties. Users who access external services via links on our website should carefully review the respective privacy policies and terms of use of the third-party providers before disclosing personal data to them or using their services. SolidProof.io accepts no liability for any data breaches or misuse of data that may occur on third-party websites or services.

Exclusion of liability for damage caused by the use of third-party providers The use of linked websites or third-party services is solely at the user's own risk. SolidProof.io accepts no liability for any damage or loss arising from the use of information, products or services provided on the linked websites or by third party providers. This includes, without limitation, financial loss, loss of data, damage to systems, infringement of copyright, or legal consequences that may arise from the use of these external services.

No influence on external websites SolidProof.io has no influence on the current and future design, content or functionality of the linked websites and expressly distances itself from all changes made to the respective websites after the link was created. The inclusion of a link does not imply in any way that SolidProof.io endorses the content or services of the linked sites. Legal validity Any legal claims or obligations in connection with linked third-party websites fall under the jurisdiction and venue of the respective operators of these websites. SolidProof.io accepts no responsibility or liability for legal disputes arising from the use of such linked services.

15) Exclusion of liability and warranty

The solidproof.io website, the app.solidproof.io platform and the services offered through it are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. This means that SolidProof.io provides the website and all associated services in their current form and availability without any express or implied warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness, availability, functionality or suitability of the website and services.

No guarantee for correctness, completeness or availability SolidProof.io does not warrant or guarantee that the information, content or services provided on the Website will be accurate, complete, current or error-free at all times. SolidProof.io further does not warrant that the website or the services offered on it will be available without interruption or disruption or that any errors, technical problems or security vulnerabilities will be corrected immediately.

Exclusion of liability for direct, indirect and consequential damages SolidProof.io excludes any liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising from the use of the website or the services offered. This includes, but is not limited to, damages caused by:

  • the use or inability to use the website or the services offered,
  • Errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the information provided,
  • technical faults, failures or delays in the transmission of data,
  • security breaches, unauthorized access or data loss,
  • economic losses or lost profits, reputational damage, business interruptions or loss of data,
  • legal consequences arise from the use of the website or services.

Limitation of liability for statutory warranties Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation of liability for certain damages. In such cases, the statutory provisions shall apply and SolidProof.io's liability shall be limited to the minimum extent permitted by law.

Liability for security risks and data loss SolidProof.io makes reasonable efforts to ensure the security of the website and the data processed on it, but no absolute security can be guaranteed. SolidProof.io accepts no liability for security breaches, hacker attacks, malware infections or other forms of cybercrime that could lead to data loss or damage.

No warranty for third-party services Where third party services are included or made available on the Website or Platform, SolidProof.io does not warrant or assume any responsibility for the reliability, availability or security of these third-party services. Users should check the terms and conditions and data protection provisions of these third-party providers independently.

Maximum limitation of liability Should SolidProof.io be held liable for damages in exceptional cases, liability shall be limited to the amount paid by the user for the use of the services. Any further liability is expressly excluded, unless required by law.

16) Indemnification (exemption)

You agree to indemnify and hold SolidProof.io, its directors, employees, freelancers, affiliates and their agents harmless from any claims, actions, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs) arising out of or relating to:

  • your use of the website and the services offered through it,
  • breach of these GTC or other contractual agreements,
  • the infringement of third-party rights, including intellectual property rights, data protection rights or other property rights,
  • claims arising from the use of third-party content or services accessed via the website,
  • or any other action in connection with your use of the platform.

Protection for employees, freelancers and external partners This indemnification clause applies not only to SolidProof.io as a company, but also to its directors, employees, freelancers and external partners, insofar as they act in connection with the provision of services via the platform. However, external partners offering services via the SolidProof.io platform or acting on their own behalf are solely responsible for their own actions and services. Should a contract be concluded with an external partner, the legal relationships between the client and the external partner are excluded from the liability and responsibility of SolidProof.io.

Personal responsibility of external partners and freelancers SolidProof.io accepts no liability for services provided by external partners or freelancers, even if these services were offered or brokered via the platform. If a direct contract is concluded between a customer and an external service provider (e.g. freelancer or partner), the responsibility for the fulfillment of the contractual obligations and all legal obligations arising therefrom lies with the external service provider. The user agrees that claims or lawsuits against external partners or freelancers cannot be asserted against SolidProof.io.

Legal limitations To the extent permitted by applicable law, you release SolidProof.io and all persons associated with the company and external service providers from any liability. This indemnification shall apply even if the services are provided by external partners on our behalf, unless SolidProof.io can be proven to have acted willfully or with gross negligence.

17) Dispute resolution and applicable law

These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) and all contracts concluded in connection with the use of the solidproof.io and app.solidproof.io platforms or the services offered on them are subject exclusively to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

Place of jurisdiction For all disputes arising from or in connection with these GTC, the use of the platform or the use of services, the exclusive place of jurisdiction is the competent court in Flensburg, provided that the user is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law or has no general place of jurisdiction in Germany. However, SolidProof.io reserves the right to bring an action at the user's general place of jurisdiction.

Out-of-court dispute resolution Before initiating legal proceedings, both parties endeavor to resolve a dispute by means of an outof-court dispute resolution procedure. This can take the form of mediation, arbitration or other alternative methods of dispute resolution. If no agreement can be reached, legal action may be taken. Users have the option of contacting a consumer arbitration board if this is required or permitted by law.

International users Users of the platform who are resident outside Germany agree that the law of the Federal Republic of Germany also applies to cross-border services and that the courts in Flensburg shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising out of or in connection with the use of the platform or the services. This applies irrespective of the country in which the user is domiciled or habitually resident.

18) Changes to the GTC

SolidProof.io reserves the right to change, modify or update these General Terms and Conditions (GTC) at any time. Changes will be announced on the website solidproof.io and/or app.solidproof.io by means of a corresponding notification. Users will also be notified of significant changes affecting their rights and obligations by e-mail to the last address provided.

Notification and entry into force Amendments to the GTC shall enter into force upon their publication on the Website, unless a later date is expressly stated. Continued use of the website or the services after publication of the amended GTC shall be deemed to constitute the user's consent to the amendments.

Material changes and right of termination In the event of material changes to these GTC that significantly affect the rights or obligations of users, users have the right to terminate the contract or the use of the services with a notice period of 30 days after notification of the changes, unless they agree to the changes. SolidProof.io will refer to this termination option in the notification. If the user continues to use the platform after the changes come into effect, the amended GTC shall be deemed accepted. No retroactive effect Amendments to the GTC shall not apply retroactively. Rights that arose prior to the amendment remain unaffected by the amendments.

Notification and consent If the user does not agree with the changes to the GTC, he/she is obliged to stop using the platform and the services. Continued use shall be deemed tacit consent to the changes.

19) Use of feedback

If you provide SolidProof.io with any feedback, suggestions or ideas about the Services, the Platform or any other aspect of the business (collectively, "Feedback"), you agree that SolidProof.io may use such Feedback without compensation, acknowledgment or other obligation. SolidProof.io is authorized to use, modify, publish or distribute the Feedback in any form to improve the Services and the Platform.

No entitlement to remuneration

Users who provide feedback are not entitled to financial compensation or recognition unless otherwise agreed in writing in advance. SolidProof.io is not liable for ideas that have already been developed internally or provided by other sources.

20) Severability clause

Should any provision of these General Terms and Conditions be or become invalid, unenforceable or void, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid provision that comes closest to the economic purpose of the invalid provision.

The same applies in the event that these GTC contain an unintentional loophole. In this case, the loophole shall be replaced by a provision that corresponds to what the parties would have agreed if they had recognized the loophole.